24.04 - 20.12.2024

Mounir Fatmi featured in ''In Sole Ambulare'' at The Merode (Brussels)

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''Who is Joseph Anton'' belongs to its eponymous series, a body of photomontages using portraits of the three writers, Joseph Conrad, Anton Chekov and Salman Rushdie.This project is rooted in an encounter between Mounir Fatmi and the writer, Salman Rushdie in Brussels for the launch of his autobiography titled, Joseph Anton. Rushdie took on the pseudonym of Joseph Anton - a mix of his two favorite writers, Joseph Conrad and Anton Chekov - to divert attention from his real identity in order to survive and to continue writing.

Fatmi is using here some classic portraits of each of these three writers, the images undergo a series of computer generated transformations : using former FBI sketch portraiture technology, 3D modeling and odd scientific materials including vintage diagrams of skulls. i Fatmi pushed the scanning and editing to its furthest point. The final black and white portrait is verging on abstraction, as if being erased and rebuilt at the same time.

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